Moth: Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)

Weeding some long grass by a fence in the garden I spotted this moth: Moth: Angle Shades as foundAccording to the research I have done (please correct me if I am wrong), this appears to be Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa) apart from the shiny brown patch by the head but all the other markings seem to match. It didn’t like being disturbed and tried to get in the dark by working its way under the vegetation or by burying is head into the soil:

moth pushing it head into the soilWhile I was examining this photo in detail I noticed a small bug or mite on its leg by the head as this enlargement shows:

enlargement showing a bug or miteI have noticed such things before with my macro photography; examine the image be it insect or a flower and there is some tiny little insect scurrying about.

In this final image I got down low to photograph the moth from the side:

side view of mothTo take these photos I had to quickly go indoors, fix the macro lens to the camera and attach a small tripod-like support to the base – this did help me steady the camera but some were hand held. A worthwhile little diversion!

See the full set in the wildlife section of my garden gallery. (Note: these photos were taken in June)