Garden Features

I have decided to add a new section to my garden gallery to show garden features:

Arbour and summer house This view was taken whilst I was doing my regular monthly garden photographs (I have been doing this for some 20 years covering 3 properties). For many of these photographs I was using my fish-eye lens which I used for this image.

I got low down on the ground to show the summerhouse and the arbour which is covered with  a golden hop and a couple of clematis plants.  The clematis on the left of the arbour is white and some of the blooms have dropped petals on the lawn – these I made a conscious decision to leave as they form part of the story.

One of the things that made these photos is the sky:

arbour and skyI love the effect of these high wispy clouds. They look blurred as if I had taken a long exposure image, but this was a normal, sub-second exposure. Some might not like the sky but for me it is an essential part of the composition.

Finally, I include this view of the summerhouse framed by the white flower and yellow foliage:

E14_3999p1With the fish-eye lens there is amazing depth of field – both the white flower and the summer house are in focus. However, you can see the distortion made to the frame of the arbour on the right – it is distinctly curved. If there was just foliage it would be unnoticeable.

You can see these in the Garden Gallery.