Winter garden Nearscapes

I have created two new Nearscape views of the garden in winter:

Low view of bushes

These were both taken while I was working in the orchard part of our garden. What I wanted to show was the work in progress of pruning and weeding the soft fruit bushes.  With the low sun, choosing an appropriate view without a shadow getting in the way was a little restrictive. However, I am satisfied with these two views.

The one shown above was taken by clamping the camera to the handle of a wheelbarrow. For the second, shown below, the camera (supported on a ‘Gorillapod’ – a small flexible tripod) was placed on a short tree stump. With this one, being so close to the grass, wind movement was an issue. Although the wind was not strong, just breezy, the grass was waving about – I had to wait for a lull in the wind.


For both of these images, I created interactive (VR) versions.  These can be seen by clicking on the image, then clicking the view VR button. But this shows one of them:

These can be viewed, along with other  views in the Nearscapes Gallery.
