A mid November walk through Cannock Chase

For this visit to Cannock Chase I took both my usual camera and my infra-red camera so that, in addition to capturing the autumn beauty of the place, I could compare how colour images compare with B&W infra-red views. In some of the photos the sky looks a bit dull but then it was a pretty dull, bland, overcast sky. Here is a selection of photos taken on the day:

A combined colour & infra-red view showing how the tonality of the trees change

A colour view with the larches showing a vibrant yellow

The infra-red version shows the larches in a dark tone

This is a combined view for a side-by-side comparison

Another view with yellow larches but here the sky is starting to show some blue

An infra-red version of the previous image

Another scene that doesn’t look anything special in colour…

… but looks quite different in infra-red

This is a colourful view on bracket fungus on a tree

But it looks so different in infra-red

This was an interesting exercise; I could start to see, for some foliage, how they lose their whiteness when viewed in infra-red.