February visit to the gardens at East Ruston Old Vicarage

I was privileged to be able to visit these gardens out of season:

Dutch GardenAt the end of February I visited these gardens on a fine sunny day which, although not windy as such, still had a bit of a breeze that created the need for care whilst taking the photographs. I was quite pleased with the overall quality of the final photos.

The view above is of the Dutch Garden and was taken as a straight image and not a panoramic view. This garden always looks good whatever the season – look at some of the other views in the gallery and you will see that the topiary is well maintained. Many of the pots had been freshly planted with bulbs and you could see the green shoots stretching out above the soil.

Even though it was out of season, there were still displays in pots such as shown below:

Display by the officeI like this, not because of any particular photographic quality, but for the fact it shows that the garden is there for their pleasure even when there are no visitors.

I did take several panoramic views including a 360 degree full circle in one of the glasshouses:

Glasshouse PanoramaAgain, this shows the care and attention to detail even during the closed season. This view is a blend of 48 separate images. Although I have done one before inside the glasshouse, it is worthwhile doing again as the season is different. I have also created an interactive version so that you can pan around the full view and zoom in to see some of the detail. Run this in full screen mode for the best viewing experience. You can see it here.

I didn’t take much in the way of closer views of the plants or flowers but did take this:

daphne odoraI took this because, as I walked past it, I was hit by the most wonderful scent – it stopped me in my tracks. I took this view to show not just the flowers but to also give some hint as to where it is in the gardens.

Now that I have re-organised the gallery by location I cannot link to just one place to view the photos but this link is for the gardens gallery and this one for the panoramic views of the gardens.
