August visit to East Ruston Old Vicarage

Several days ago we made another visit to the Gardens at East Ruston Old Vicarage:
exotic garden panoramaAs you can see, it was an overcast day. It was also quite blustery which meant that many photos got spoilt by wind movement. However, waiting for the ideal day on a day that is convenient would mean we would rarely visit the garden. So I have made the best I can of the visit which, incidentally, was during public visiting hours which meant that I could not use a tripod.

The above panorama – a blend of 18 images – was taken in the exotic garden. I tried several different panoramas in this garden but this was the only one that worked. Many were spoilt by either wind movement, the sky being too bright, or the panoramas not stitching together properly due to not using a tripod. However, I am pleased with this result and the way the cloudy sky shows details of the clouds.

In this second image I am showing a red hydrangea in the Woodland Garden:

red hydrangeaI love the striking colour of this hydrangea: the red is really bold and contrasts well with the green foliage. Even though the woodland garden is quite sheltered, there was enough breeze to cause noticeable movement. This was one of the few that escaped the breeze.

My final image is something I have not seen at the gardens before:Vintage carIn the main driveway to the house there were two vintage cars being polished. This car had been finished but the second was still being worked on. Considering that this was a quick ‘grab’ shot, it has worked out well: the hedge provides a simple, non-intrusive backdrop. Also, there was no wind movement!

The two panoramic photos that I took on this visit can be seen (along with others) in the Panoramas Gallery. Other views taken can be seen in the E.R.O.V. Gallery.