Summer Party at East Ruston Old Vicarage

My wife and I attended the Summer Party on Tuesday evening:

Exotic Garden panoramaThese summer garden parties, held for the RHS, are interesting to go to as they give an opportunity to visit the gardens during the evening. On a fine summer evening the light is totally different to that of the day both in quality and direction.

This first view is a panorama taken in the Exotic Garden. There were a few guests wandering around – most were listening to the choir singing in another part of the garden although there were several sitting in the arbour to the left when I took this view. Although taken directly into the low sun, I think this view works well showing the tranquillity of this garden. I did take other panoramic views but as there were all hand held, apart from one other image, they all had stitching errors so had to be deleted.

Whilst in the exotic garden I tried some different views of the ponds:

pond in the exotic gardenI think this type of view has potential: earlier in the day with a bright blue sky and using a smaller aperture to give greater depth of focus would improve on this. However, for the time of day (and no tripod!) this has worked well.

In the Mediterranean Garden there was a pine tree with some amazing cones on it:

pine tree in the mediterranean gardenThis wide angle view captures the tree and context quite well. I love the colours with the shadows caused by the low sun, along with the detail in the evening sky. This was my favourite of the evening.

Finally, one of the choir entertaining the guests:

choir at east ruston old vicarageThe full set of photos can be seen in the EROV Gallery and the 2 panoramic views in the EROV section of the panorama gallery.