Panoramas: A late June Evening in the garden:

This panoramic image was taken in the garden late one evening:Flower bed panoramaI have been waiting for weeks for the wind to stop sufficient to take this type of photographs. Then late one evening the wind did finally stop completely. I managed to get a few panoramas of which I show a couple here. For these views, I experimented by using a 50mm lens instead of my usual wide-angle zoom.

The first one of of a semi-circular bed. This is not a cropped image, but a composite taken from 8 separate images – how can you tell? Well the original panorama is 17,900 pixels wide (not many cameras can take this in 1 shot!) In addition, each view was a blend of 3 images – so 24 photos went into this single image.

I also took this other panorama of an old garden bench by our pond:

bench by pondOnly (!) 6 separate views went into this panorama (it being just 12000 pixels wide). I would have been quite happy with it except a part of the foot is cropped out – I am now waiting for another still day…

Still, this was a useful learning exercise – the 50mm lens gave better quality to the image, but the depth of field was poorer and the vertical coverage was quite limiting.

Larger versions of these, along with interactive views can be seen in the Panorama Gallery.