Family history posters

I am hosting a large family party next month to celebrate a milestone birthday. I have also invited a few old friends that I have not seen for many a year. I thought it would be a good idea to have posters showing photographs of my life so far:

This first one shows the first 11 years (up to the end of primary school) and includes baby, toddler, infant and junior school photos. I have printed the posters on plain A3 paper and laminated them. I was quite pleased with the end result. Each photo in the poster is captioned so that family and friends can reminisce (the older ones) or laugh (the younger ones).

I have 3 friends attending who also show in the two class photos on the right, one of whom I have not seen for nearly 30 years. It will be interesting to go through these class photos trying to identify each individual.

I have done 6 of these posters, the last one looks like this:

Much of this one covers the time when we lived on a smallholding in Wales, so it includes ‘out of the ordinary’ (for most people) activities such as milking goats, feeding pigs and driving tractors.

I shall also have some of the early photo albums available for guests to peruse. I see that many people take photos but few do anything with them. These photos are part of the family history. We look back with affection at the photos of our grandparents (or older) taken in the late 19th / early 20th century but how many leave a similar heirloom to future generations? I believe these are of more importance than bought artefacts to pass on to our children.

It should be a fun day, I just hope the weather stays fine for the day.