Dingle Nursery Garden

Last month, on our way to Mid-Wales for a short break, we stopped off at Dingle Nursery (near Welshpool) to visit the garden they have there. This was a very pleasant surprise as there is very little indication that there is the nursery, let alone the garden.

The planting of the garden was amazing: there is a lake at the bottom of a small valley and the sides of the valley are well planted with a colourful variety of trees. The person who did this must know their trees very well as the result is so good. Here are a few of the photos I took on our brief visit:

View of the garden from one side of the valley with a bird sculpture to the side
A panoramic view of the lake showing some of the planting
A view of the lake with plenty of vegetation in the foreground
A flower spike of Gunnera
A portrait view showing a path through the trees to a small bridge by the lake

We found this to be a worthwhile visit – we may go again in the autumn.