Shugborough National Trust – Autumn in colour and Infra-red

Last week we paid an autumn visit to the National Trust property at Shugborough: It was a pleasant autumn day and I hoped to see a lot of autumn colour in the trees. Unfortunately, this autumn appears to be a poor one for rich colours although there are exceptions. Here is a selection of images taken during this visit – I was taking both colour and Infra-Red:

One of the trees showing good autumn colour
Another tree with some good colour

Below are a couple of ‘sliders’ giving a comparison between the colour and infra-red views.

Colour view of the arboretum
Infra-red view of the arboretum

Colour view of the blue footbridge
Infra-red view of the bridge

Below is an attempt to show together the colour and infra-red views of the bridge

Shown together the colour and infra-red views of the bridge