Our local church held a flower festival over the bank holiday weekend. The main attraction was a display of flower arrangements by a local flower arranging club with the theme being ‘Nursery Rhymes’. Here are a few of my favourites:
This one is ‘Itsy bitsy spider’ (I always knew it as ‘Incy wincy spider’!) Like most of the displays there is a lot of thought, work and detail gone into the creation of these works. In this case the drainpipe is a genuine cast iron drainpipe:
This one shows the detail of the spider:
The body looks like the wooden handle of a bradawl. The legs appear to be made from shaped metals strips from some piece of equipment (what, I haven’t any idea).
And here is ‘I’m a little teapot’ which was in the entrance porch:
‘Lavender’s blue dilly dilly’:
‘Mary, Mary quite contrary’:
‘Polly put the kettle on’:
The stove in the background was hand painted!
And ‘Bobby Shafto’s gone to sea’:
There were 30 arrangements in all. A selection of them will be used for a fund-raising calendar for the church.