Getting a vintage look and feel: Some progress

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about a technique I am developing to get a vintage look and feel to my photos. I have made some progress, including using a different camera to capture the images – I have moved from a compact camera to a CSC (mirrorless) type of camera. Note that in the images below the main part of the technique is done in-camera, i.e. the effect is made at the taking stage, not by Photoshop (although cropping, exposure adjustments and colour adjustments are done in Photoshop). Here I show the latest results:

Vintage effect with standard colour
Effect with vintage colour applied
Vintage effect with standard colour
Effect with vintage colour applied

This last one is my favourite, the colours are subdued, the central pot of flowering plants are brighter helping them stand out from the rest of the image, and the vintage effect I am striving for works well with this subject.