Thursday was another fine day with minimal wind so I was able to take more photos in our small garden, looking for different views. Friday was too windy to take any of the close-up photos so I spent time trying other things. So here are a few of the photos that I took on Thursday:
This is an arrangement of stones, shells and plants by the small wooden raised pond in the garden. The trellis is to stop the herons coming to feast on the goldfish:

This is a hellebore obscuring the sun. I had tried including the sun but there was too many artefacts spoiling the image:

Here are some purple primulas. This view gives an indication of the small size of gardens in the estate where we live. The fence divides our garden from a neighbours (which is sideways on to our garden); their bungalow roof is visible behind the fence.

Finally are some more primulas in a small bed near the trellis. Also visible is a corner of the small greenhouse with the water barrel that collects rainwater from the greenhouse roof: