Visit to Harlow Carr

Yesterday we paid our first visit to the RHS garden at Harlow Carr:

Harlow Carr from the entrance

As you can see from the above photograph it was rather overcast although we were lucky regarding the rain – the forecast was for heavy rain but we got away with just a couple of small, light showers.

The above photo is a panoramic view from near the main entrance and the image below was from further around the path:Harlow Carr from near the entranceYou can see see the start of autumn with the colour of the trees. I love this next photo for the different shades of green mixed with yellow, red and purple:

There was a sculpture trail so the next photo shows an exhibit – a hare:


Followed by BFG:


I was pleased with the way these woodland flowers came out:

woodland flowers

There were some lovely views from the wood:

view from wood

And I’ll finish will a view of the colourful flowers in the alpine house

alpine house