Images for Fradley Junction Pool Virtual Walk video: #5from7photo catchup

I now have a new PC up and running to replace my laptop which died a death on me. So now I am trying to catch up on a lot of work…

In August we went to the Fradley Junction Pool to take photos for a Virtual Walk video . This pond was originally a small reservoir used to keep the adjacent canal full of water – it is now a nature reserve. These images are not meant to be photo club competition entries but are taken to be used in one of my virtual Walk videos.

These Virtual Walk videos (Transition Time Lapse) are intended for different audiences: Housebound supporters of the Wildlife Trust that I volunteer for; and compact enough to watch on site which is often in remote rural locations with poor mobile phone connectivity.

Here are a selection of photos used in the video:

The canal side start of the walk
A small panoramic view near the start of the walk
The lowdown on some ducks
Moorhens nesting
A wider panorama from the north side of the pool

You can see the unbranded version of the video here: /videos/Fradley Junction and pool August 2021 pms.mp4

Updated 12th October 2021: Corrected pond to pool.