Daily Garden Photo w/e 21st September

On Monday morning this view greeted me as I opened the back door:

view from back door

It was a lovely autumn morning that I saw as I went out to let out the poultry. Unfortunately, the sky was very bright so it has burnt out to white, but otherwise this does give a decent impression of the view.  I could have used more advanced techniques to overcome this but decided, in this instance, to let the camera record it the best it can.

When sorting out the turkeys on Tuesday morning, this scene, illuminated by the low bright sun, caught my eye:

garden roller

I liked the juxtaposition of the garden roller with the trunk of the tree and the background being quite dark. I had to crouch down quite low to avoid my shadow showing.

Wednesday, the sun was still shining brightly in the morning. Looking around my eye was attracted to this fuchsia growing amongst some shrubs on the western side of the garden:


For me, the presence of the sundial makes this image – without it it would be quite mundane.

Thursday was overcast. For a subject, I wanted to show this display of potted plants:

potted plants

I decided to show this before the first frosts of autumn wreaked havoc with the plants. I wanted a reasonably plain background so used the wall of the house. The window and the two spoked wheels add, I feel, some interest to the scene. Ideally they would have been slightly out of focus, but the combination of a wide-ish angle lens and compact camera made that an unobtainable ideal.

Finally, this morning, I photographed this vanilla marigold:

vanilla marigold

Earlier in the week, me wife had spoken to me about these plants. Choosing a reasonable specimen was quite difficult as many looked fine from a distance but had a lot of marks or damage closer up. However there are quite a few of these in the garden, so I was able to find a decent bloom.

Larger versions of these can be viewed in the gallery.

Author: Paul L. G. Morris

I am a freelance photographer whose distinguishing feature is that I am prepared to photograph the unusual and the overlooked. Having had many years of experience pursuing the creative art of photography, coupled with more recent experience as a portrait photographer and garden photographer, I now work professionally through my business: PM Studios Ltd.