Camera Club Workshop: Halloween Witch

At our recent camera club workshop we had a witch to photograph:

witch green and blueWe advertised in the local parish magazine for people to come to a free Halloween portrait session, but only one person arranged to come. What we lacked in numbers we gained in a well made-up lady who posed for us for nearly 3 hours – she was wonderful.

What we wanted to do was to experiment with different coloured lighting and the effects they would have. In this case we used green lighting on the left, blue on the right, and yellow through a grid onto the background. We were really pleased with the effects we obtained.

For this photo, we still had the green and blue lighting on the subject, but used a dark red light on the background:

witch with green, blue and a red background

We were quite surprised at the effect different colours make to the image. Here, we went for yellow and blue with the yellow background:

witch - yellow and blueA totally different effect! We tried other colour combinations that you can see in the photo gallery. But we could not pass up this opportunity for a bit of witchcraft in getting the witch to fly:

witch flyingAll in all, we had a bit of fun, learnt a bit about using coloured lighting and gave the subject an unusual experience (along with a selection of photographs for her time). A good afternoon.

Author: Paul L. G. Morris

I am a freelance photographer whose distinguishing feature is that I am prepared to photograph the unusual and the overlooked. Having had many years of experience pursuing the creative art of photography, coupled with more recent experience as a portrait photographer and garden photographer, I now work professionally through my business: PM Studios Ltd.