Visit to East Ruston Old Vicarage: VR panoramas

Towards the end of May we visited these fine gardens again:

Tulips panoramaAlthough the weather left something to be desired (not at all like the forecast!), I did manage to get some reasonable photos, including some panoramic views.

The above photos is of two beds of tulips in the garden near the tea rooms. This was taken from quite close to the beds which is why the perspective quickly diminishes to the sides. From the grey sky you can see the weather wasn’t great; it was quite blustery and it started to rain a bit. However, I do feel that this is a reasonable snap.

I have been working on interactive video views – sometimes known as VR or Virtual Reality tours – below is this image as a tour: you can pan around he image and zoom in and out. For this visit, I have converted the 2 panoramic images to the VR tours. The rest can be seen in the panoramic gallery.

I did also take a few ‘standard’ photos:

cleanthusThis is my favourite: some wonderful colour in this cleanthus, taken just before it started to rain. You can see the other images in the gallery.

Author: Paul L. G. Morris

I am a freelance photographer whose distinguishing feature is that I am prepared to photograph the unusual and the overlooked. Having had many years of experience pursuing the creative art of photography, coupled with more recent experience as a portrait photographer and garden photographer, I now work professionally through my business: PM Studios Ltd.