Wildlife camera: last few days of July

I have decided to consolidate the last few days images into one post. First up is a pesky rabbit (or should that be pesky wabbit?) in the chicken run:

rabbit 1 rabbit 2

These were taken at about 4:30am. This rabbit seems to roam all over the garden. Luckily it seems to be mostly eating grass rather than our plants and produce although it did eat the tops out of all the beetroot in the vegetable plot.

Whilst strimming the grass in the chicken runs I noticed this hole down the side of an old fence post:

hole by fence post

So I set the camera up to watch overnight:

mouse emerging enlargement

This is an enlargement showing a mouse (I presume it is a mouse!) emerging from the hole. It was late night but not quite daylight. And this shows the mouse by the post:

mouse by post

This is an enlargement:

mouse by post enlargement

That night the camera also showed a couple of other items of interest. One  was a light ghostly object floating across the scene. It took some studying of the images before I realised it was a spider. These images are too indistinct to show here. The other looked like a newt – I am going to try and compose these images into a video.

The next night I set the camera watching a few holes in the compost heap. It didn’t catch anything emerging from the holes but:

compost heap mouse 1

But you can see a mouse near the top by the fence. It was still about as it was getting lighter:

compost heap mouse 2

Finally, I new this wouldn’t work well but I wanted to see how close-up would show:


This was taken last night and shows some flowers with a moth on the flower just above the centre. As a small image it isn’t too bad but enlarging the photo shows how out-of-focus it is:

enlargemet of previous image

My next task is devising a method of getting better close-up images…

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.