Farmscape through a viewfinder

I do like experimenting with my photography. Following on from my previous post ‘Viewfinder photography test’ I decided to try a simple landscape of a farming scene. As the weather was fine yesterday afternoon I walked over the road to a field which had recently been harvested and still had the large round bales scattered over the field. This is what I managed to produce:

1) Portrait colour field scene – 1

colour field scene 1

2) Portrait sepia field scene – 1

sepia field scene 1

3) Landscape colour field scene – 2

colour field scene 2

4) Landscape sepia field scene – 2

sepia field scene 2

5) Landscape colour field scene – 3

colour field scene 3

You can see I didn’t have to walk far to take these; you can just see my cottage in the trees in the middle of the frame!

6) Landscape sepia field scene – 3

sepia field scene 3

The resolution of these images is not that high – they form about 1/10th of the total image area. Getting closer to the viewfinder shows the internal optics an fittings as can be seen here:

too close to viewfinder

One thing I do need to fix (or get another camera) is the marks and decay that show on these images.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.