Rat and Rabbit

I put the wildlife camera back in the vegetable garden the other night – all I got was a rat and a rabbit. It was interesting to see what they were up to though: rat on runThe rat was very active during most of the night: it was scurrying all over the vegetable plot, studiously avoiding the rat bait, disappearing for a while then coming back. I could see quite clearly in the infra-red light the rat run that shows in the above photo but this was hard to discern when I looked for it in daylight. It was also quite a sizeable rat.

This shot showed it looking up at the camera:

Rat looking at cameraI wonder if this was coincidence or whether it heard something…

The rabbit was also about:

rabbit at nightYou can see its eyes and just make out the ears. It spent a few minutes chomping away at the weeds the hopped off through the hedge on the left for most of the night, returning in daylight:

rabbit returng through the fenceHere, the rabbit has just crawled under the fence – it seems to have grown well since I last saw it. It then spent time wandering over the garden feeding on the vegetation:

rabbit feedingFinally I got this shot of it standing on its back legs:

W14_103573p1Although I bought this camera for photographic purposes, it is helping us see what is happening at night in the garden. A good buy!

For these photos I have the camera on time-lapse mode with it taking a photo about every 6 seconds – so there are about 6000 images to view every night it is in use!

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.