Straw bales panorama photo and interactive views

Last week I wandered over to the field opposite our cottage to take some panoramic images of the field of straw bales left standing after the harvest. I managed two decent photos, the first being a 360 degree view:

360 degree farm field

This turned out better than I expected as the sun kept coming in and out from behind the clouds as I took the 29(!) exposures. There were a couple of small patches where I had to adjust the brightness of the field just a little – hopefully this isn’t too obvious…

As it was mid afternoon when I took these photos the sun was a little low in the sky – low enough to be in the view of the wide-angle setting so I had to zoom in a little to keep it out of the frame.

As I was pleased with the result, I made an interactive view than pans around and allows you to zoom in. As with all these panoramas, it looks best if it is run in full screen mode (use the rightmost button on the image).

I also took a more selective view getting closer to a straw bale:

straw bale panoramaWith both these views, my cottage can be seen amongst the trees near a corner of the field – I didn’t have to go far for this!

The full set of these photos, some with interactive views, can be seen in the Panorama Gallery.


Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.