This year we have tried growing Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifoliu) in our vegetable garden:
The Yacon is a vegetable from South America that produces sweet tubers. It is quite an unusual plant for this country but we thought we would give it a go. As you can see from the photos, it grows quite tall – this is over 5ft high.
This view was taken using HDR techniques but I had to use some unusual blending techniques as the 3 exposure set showed a lot of wind movement, but a single raw ‘pseudo’ HDR image had some burnt out sky. I am quite satisfied with this result.
This next view is from a different angle and taken in portrait mode. The processing is much the same:
A pleasing result that shows context.
Finally I tried a few views of flowers. These were not too successful due to the wind blowing the plant about. However I did manage one reasonable image:
The flower looks a little like a sunflower, albeit smaller. This is not surprising as this plant belongs to the same family.
You can see the full set of photos in the Garden Gallery.