In our garden this month

As we are trying to sell our house this may be the last opportunity to photograph the garden whilst it is still in bloom. So I decided to take a set of photos around the gardens to include views I don’t normally take as a reminder of how the property was when we left it:

front of houseAs we don’t go out to the front of the house much, I took several views out the front. The above image shows the front of the house showing pots of plants, wisteria growing up the wall and it generally looking like a nice place to live – which it is (we shall be sorry to leave…)

This shows the front garden:

front garden

Included in this view is the dovecot in the lawn which used to be a gravelled drive, and the red foliage is virginia creeper which is shown in its glory here:

E15_7283t1This view shows the dovecot and conservatory:

E15_7289t1The blue sky makes this picture…

Finally I did a few panoramic shots, here is one of the main flower garden from the western side:

garden panoramaThese, with the other 50+ photos that I took I am printing up for the photo album – I still believe an album of prints is the best way to view photos.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.