Spiders in the car port – September catchup: #5from7photo

I am still playing catch-up on this series of posts. For this post I am showing some photos that I took in our car port (our bungalow doesn’t have a garage). My wife grows a lot of ferns and other plants in the car port and during September a few spiders decided to build their webs here. It was interesting to watch where, and how, they placed their webs.

This gave me an opportunity to take a some photographs. One key item I wanted to show (apart from the spiders themselves) is the webs they made. I think they show up well as you can see below:

Underside of a spider with the web being quite distinct
A different spider with its web
Side view of a spider on its web
Top view of a spider on its web

Finally this is the basic setup showing how I photographed these spiders – I sometimes like to give context to my work:

Typical setup used in producing these photos

If you look carefully you can see a small dot in line with the lens – this is the spider. On a wheelie bin you can see a piece of card – this was used as a background for some of the photos, others had the patterned glass out of focus for the background.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.