Two views in colour and infra-red

Yesterday we woke up to a hard hard frost. I nipped out into the garden to take a couple of shots in normal colour and infra-red; this was mostly to see how frost appears in infra-red. The first view was across a field from the corner of the garden, the second was a snapshot of the garden. Here are the results:

View across a field after a frost in colour
View across a field after a frost in infra-red

As these pictures pictures are taken with different cameras using different lenses the registration is not pixel perfect but is perfectly satisfactory for normal web use.

I had two attempts at combining the two photos into one image – the first wasn’t very good but the second was better. I am still trying to find a good way of having both photos in a single image.

First attempt at combining the two photos into a single image – this is a poor method
The second attempt at combining the two photos into a single image

This second view is of the garden:

Frosty view of the garden in colour
Frosty view of the garden in infra-red

Again, I placed both into a single image, using the second method:

A single view of the garden using both images.

Finally, using the first pair of photos I tried blending them together to see what I could get – a little surreal perhaps:

Two images blended together

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.