Porthdinllaen Headland colour to Infra-Red comparisons

For some of the infra-red views that I spoke about in my last post, I managed to take an infra-red view and a normal colour view at the same time. This worked better for some of the images than others. Here are a set of slider (before/after) views for comparison. Note that registration is not perfect as different cameras and lenses were used, and all were hand held. Nevertheless it still worked reasonably well. I shall start with a view of the coastguard lookout station at the northern end of the headland:

Colour view of the coastguard lookout on the cliffs
Infra-red view of the coastguard lookout on the cliffs

In the panoramic view below, although taken within minutes of each other, there appears to be more clouds that look a lot stronger in the infra-red. Most of the headland is a golf course but with plenty of paths around the edges.

Panoramic colour view eastwards across the golf course
Panoramic infra-red view eastwards across the golf course

Porthdinllaen is a small hamlet on the beach where the headland forms a sheltered cove. It was originally a fishing village but there is still some fishing activities undertaken. We stayed at a national Trust cottage which is just visible under the arch of the grey building

Colour view of the beachside village of Porthdinllaen
Infra-red view of the beachside village of Porthdinllaen

Towards the northern end of the headland there is a lifeboat station:

The slipway of the lifeboat station in colour
The slipway of the lifeboat station in infra-red

I did take more comparison views but for some of them the mismatch caused by the optics of the different lenses was too great for this technique to work.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.

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