Wetley Moor

Wetley Moor is a smallish reserve to the east of Stoke-on-Trent near the village of Werrington. The reserve is lowland heath and managed by Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. We made our first visit there last month and had an enjoyable walk through the reserve although we did get a bit caught out by a muddy patch.

Some of the reserve is high enough to see across the valley where Stoke is situated and, on a clear day, you can see as far as the Wrekin with the Shropshire hills.

The photos I have taken are with the purpose of creating interactive ‘Virtual Tours’ and/or video ‘Virtual Walks’. Here is a selection of the photos from this trip:

A panoramic view in a roughly north westerly direction showing the footpath with Stoke just visible in the valley
This panoramic view is in a more westerly direction and shows the path as it descends down the hillside
This is one of the benches with a view across the moor
This muddy patch has a bridge or boardwalk over the worst of it
This is a panoramic view roughly to the east showing the ridge we descended from
Here the path follows an old track as we approach the woods. I like to include some of the wild flowers by the path
The path at this point follows an old pack-horse route. This may explain the dry stone wall in this remote location
Another panoramic view of the ridge from a different location. Our initial path followed down the ridge from right to left

This was a nice place to visit. We intend to come again in a different season.

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.

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