Testing of a different houseplant scene in UV Fluorescence

I wanted to try a different view of the houseplant scene from the previous post. For this attempt I managed to switch off the yellow solar lights that were giving an orange-ish colour to some of the background. Here are the results using pairs of images in the comparison slider feature (note that the alignment is not perfect – things moved between daylight and nighttime!) :

Daylight version of the plant scene
UV Fluorescence version of the scene

To illuminate the scene I used an Ultra Violet torch to ‘paint with light’. This works well but takes time to do the whole scene in one go which would cause the background illumination to intrude. To overcome this I paint a portion of the scene at a time and assemble the 32 images in Photoshop to create the scene using layers – this is what the layers look like in Photoshop:

Screen shot showing the layers in Photoshop

But I also like to experiment with ‘blending modes’ in Photoshop to draw out the colours. Here are some examples using the comparison slider technique – the original UV fluorescence image is on the left:

UV fluorescence version
Blend 1 using both the UV Fluorescence and the daylight versions

UV version again
A second blending method

I think I prefer the first blend version!

Author: Paul L.G. Morris

I am an amateur photographer whose photography is mostly of gardens, nature and the rural environment. My specialities are close-ups, panoramic views, or a combination of both that I call 'Nearscapes'. I work mostly for my own interest having closed my business PM Studios Ltd.

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