
Poplar Hawk-moth Caterpillar (Laothoe populi) in Ultra violet fluorescence

One evening recently I walked around our small garden with my UV torch to see what fluoresced and was surprised to see this caterpillar – it stood out because the fluorescence was so bright. I had to research the name as I am no expert at this (I think the identification is OK). It was on the leaves at the top of a small apple tree. This was difficult to photograph as there was a slight breeze moving the leaves and the caterpillar itself was moving. These are some of the results:

The caterpillar illuminated by a small LED torch
The caterpillar fluorescing brightly. There is some movement in the creature.

They are not the best photos due to the conditions. I tried again the following night and managed to get these:

Again, this is illuminated by an LED torch

This time it stayed still long enough to get a sharper image. It took several goes though!

UV fluorescence of the caterpillar on an apple leaf