
Plant fair day at East Ruston Old Vicarage

Last Saturday was Plant Fair day at our favourite garden:
view of stallsThere were plenty of stalls with lots of plants and other items being perused by many visitors. Unfortunately, the weather left something to be desired: it was very dull and grey with a sharp, cold wind blowing. This made photography a little difficult. You can see the dull grey sky; this caused a distinct lack of contrast in the images – they all came out quite flat looking. However, I did manage to salvage some reasonable record shots as can be seen above.

In addition, there was a marquee with ‘Gardener’s Question Time’ in progress with a live (I think) link to BBC Radio Norfolk:

Gardener's question timeThe marquee was full, with the doorways crowded. The only way I could get any photos was to hold the camera above everyone’s heads and hope for the best. With the dull light outside, it was quite dim inside. I had to take pot-shots but did manage a few reasonable images. This shows Alan Gray (one of the owners of the gardens and a broadcaster) responding to a question.

Purple and red borderI did try some garden photos, but the wind was very blustery which meant I had to delete many that I took. The results weren’t very impressive; the above photo of the Purple and Red borders was one of the best! – see how grey the sky is!

You can see the rest in the EROV gallery.