
David Attenborough at Thurrock Thameside Nature Reserve – Part 2

I have completed processing my photos of David Attenborough opening this reserve:

David Attenborough relaxing while waiting for the next interviewThis selection of photographs show Sir David being interviewed by other agencies through to his opening speech. In this first photo, I show Sir David relaxing for a few moments between interviews. As I mentioned in the previous post, this was not easy due to the crowd of onlookers and photographers crowding around him.

This second shot shows David looking direct at the camera:

David Attenborough in the buggyI do like this photo as he is looking, in a relaxed manner, direct at the camera – quite surprising giving all the hustle and bustle going on around him.

In this final image, Sir David is giving his opening address in the marquee:

David Attenborough during his opening speechThis was difficult take due to 3 reasons: 1) The low light conditions – it was overcast and raining much of the time, 2) As I was not an official photographer, I did not have a privileged location to shoot from – you can see a video camera in the foreground – therefore a tripod or flash was out of the question, and 3) I was also shooting video of the speech. For this I was supporting the camera on a monopod.

The full set of photos can be seen in the gallery.