
Catching up: June garden photos

I am trying to catch up on some of last year’s garden photos:

Pot of pansiesI have many photos taken last year that I am just getting around to process – I must do better this year! This batch of photos that I am working on show detailed views in our garden and were taken during June last year.

This first image was take at the base of an arbour in the lawn. This shows a pot of violet coloured pansies standing front of other items including a grey a painted milk churn and an octagonal chimney pot.

This second photo is a view of the arbour from the opposite side. In this low-level view I like to blue sky and the contrast with the leaves of the yellow hop plant. You can see the full size of the chimney pot hinted at in the previous view.

ArbourThis final photograph shows a flower / foliage border by the front fence. This is interesting for the colour of the foliage – the different shades of green along with the copper beech towards the right. flower bedThe full set can be seen in the Garden Gallery.