
Snow in the garden

For the past couple of weeks we have had some snow:

tree and hareFor this part of the UK, we have had quite a covering of snow, somewhere about 8 inches or so and certainly the most I have experienced since we moved here. This encouraged me to go out into the garden and capture some of the scenes.

In this first image, I show some of the detail: in this case a monkey puzzle tree and a carved wooden hare that sit in a stone circle in the garden. I like this not just for the subject, but the hedge, trees and house in the background which give some context to the image.

There were plenty of other views that showed detail:

wheels and cottageThis is one of the rear walls of the cottage with2 old agricultural wheels leaning against the wall. One thing I like about this view is the little details such as: the chimney round the corner, snow on the window sill and a glimpse of the field and trees beyond the fence.

I take most of these photos for my own personal record of our garden – I have been doing this for over 20 years now – so some shots have little photographic merit, but make for fascinating viewing when we look back through our photograph albums. Below is a ‘general’ view of the garden which will be printed and put in the album:

Snow view of the gardenThis is the view from near the back door of the cottage. It was taken early in the morning before the dogs were let out – I wanted to show the pristine conditions.

More photos can be seen in the Garden Gallery.