
Hawthorn blossom in a Polytunnel

This image was taken in a polytunnel (a type of polythene greenhouse):

A pink hawthorn blossomThis photo shows a pink hawthorn blossom, taken from the hedges around my smallholding. This year, for some unknown reason, I have seen a lot of pink blossom; even on the same trees as white blossom. I thought it was worth photographing.

I had tried taking close-up outside as a distinct change from the studio where I usually take close-up photos, mostly with a black background. But even on a ‘still’ day you get a lot of movement. So I set up a temporary studio in our polytunnel as shown below:

close-up setup in the polytunnelThis set-up used a couple of old workbenches: the first held the subject, the second held the background – the background being some foliage I had picked. The polythene sheeting of the polytunnel gave a nice diffused light – perhaps a little too soft. In the photo you can see that the door is open (there is one at each end) – I had to close it because, even here, there was movement from the slightest breeze.

In this photo I show a complete cluster of the pink blossom:

pink hawthorn blossomI find the colour here is quite amazing, and it complements well with the green background. Although I will not use the same foliage again for the background (it was young elderflower and it wilted too quickly), I thought it was quite effective.

To finish, here is a close-up of a white blossom:

White hawthorn blossomThe full set can be seen in the gallery.