
Camera club workshop: church interior

Here are some more photos from the camera club workshop, this time of the church interior:

Pews I took this photo to capture the pattern made by pews. I liked the texture of the woodwork and the shapes along the aisle. But on reflection, I think the composition could have been a bit stronger.

This is another attempt at capturing patterns, this time the pipes of a small organ. This organ cannot be used much as you can see dead spiders in the metalwork! I think there is something not quite right – the idea has potential but the image isn’t strong.

organ pipes

I do like to look around for detail that others may miss. This one is of some decorative work in the structure of the roof. Although this church as a thatched roof, it appears to be boarded – I suppose this reduces the chances of birds getting inside to nest.

roof detail

This next one was quite difficult technically. I wanted to ensure that detail can be seen in the windows whilst still being able to see into the very dark roof space. I think I have nearly managed it but the window behind the altar is still blown. I still need to work at this technique.

View inside the church

Overall this was an interesting afternoon out. It forced me to look harder for subjects to photograph and to practice my technique in difficult lighting circumstances. I will have to do this again.