
Camera Club Workshop – More exterior church photos

I have managed to process more of the photos taken at the last camera club workshop – these are all exterior views of the church:

Angled photo of the church towerIn this first image I have tried to show the church and its tower in a more dynamic manner by angling the camera as the ‘straight’ version was too boring. However I feel his didn’t work as well as I hoped.

In this second image I tried a different perspective of this unusual tower by getting up close. This view has, I think, potential as it gives a fortress-like feel to the tower – it almost looks like part of the defences of a castle.

A steep view of the church towerFor this third image, again I am focusing on the tower but showing more of the rest of the building. For some reason, it reminds me of some of the smaller mosques that I saw in my youth when I travelled across Africa. This view seems to emphasise the fortress-like feel of the church tower.

Another view of the tower

This next photo is of the cross at the eastern end of the church roof. I did take other views of the cross but there were distinct white streaks coming down the roof. So I chose a view where the tree hid the streaks. This did work quite well. One of my colleagues from the club had another view without the white streaks. I thought he had managed to find a view where they didn’t show, but he informed me that he had ‘cloned’ them out.

Cross on the roof of the churchIn this final image I am showing the view along the church to the vestibule. I think this is quite a tranquil looking image – the stone wall, gravestones and yew tree – this is one of my favourites of the day.

A view along the church to the vestibule