
Daily garden photo: past 3 days

This is my favourite of the past 3 days photos:

violet flowerThis shows a blue-violet coloured flower. We have a lot of it in our garden but my wife (the gardener) cannot recall its name and cannot find it in any of her books. It is only a few cm across but is one of many tall stalks – up to about 3ft / 1m high. The colour in sunlight is quite stunning and I think this photo reflects that (although it may appear differently on your screen…)

The above photo was taken on Thursday, below is Wednesday’s photo showing the flowers of our runner beans:

We have two varieties growing, one of just a few plants has the conventional plain red flowers, the other has these red and white flowers. I did consider a view of the plants showing the flowers against the green foliage of the plants but decided that they would not look too good on a small web image, so decided to go in close.

The third photo was taken today (Friday) at the request of my wife; she wanted some photos of the flowers in the garden that she sells as plants. This rose plant I took a few days ago but the flower I chose wasn’t very good so I found another bloom to photograph:

rose flowersThe full set of photos can be seen in the Daily Picture Gallery.

For a trial period I am taking a daily photograph within our garden subjecting myself to these revised rules:

  • Only take 1 photo for this project on each day for 5 days a week
  • Add the photos to the gallery and write a posting at the end of the week
  • Post it however good or bad it is
  • Use my compact camera, not my digital SLR
  • Show the original image as well as the finished item where it adds to the story
  • The photograph is to be taken in our garden of something within the garden. This means anything within the boundaries of the property, but outside of the main dwelling (house). So this could include the contents of my shed, inside a chicken hut, a view of the garden, an individual bloom, the livestock, wild birds…

And I will see how this goes.