
Daily garden photo: White clover

This is white clover growing in the grass in the orchard:

white clover
White clover in the grass - edited version

Walking out this morning it was a brighter, clearer day with some sunshine and blue sky. I homed in on this flower of white clover in amongst the grass of the orchard – which needs cutting as it is getting rather long…

There was a very heavy dew on the grass this morning – you can see the drops on the grass – so I got a wet knee kneeling down to take the photo. I took the low viewpoint to get the background of the trees and sky.

I had to do very little to this image to improve on the original, just a bit of exposure adjustment and cropping as you can see with the original:

White clover
White clover in the grass - original version

You can see the larger versions in the gallery.