
Beginner's tutorial on close-up photography

I have been writing a tutorial on how to take close-up photographs using an entry level compact camera:
Close-up of a flowerThis is the final photograph from the tutorial. It was taken with a Canon A470 which is one of Canon’s basic cameras of a few years ago.

The purpose of the tutorial, which is in 3 parts, is to show how to take a close-up photograph using basic equipment. Apart from the camera, all I used was a cheap tripod from a car boot sale, some black material, a home-made reflector and some stands made from food cans and lengths of wood.

I do make comparisons in the tutorial to both a more expensive compact camera and a professional macro lens. But for the person that doesn’t want to spend out on a lot of equipment, you can still get rewarding photographs if you are prepared to spend a little time and effort on the activity.

You can see a larger version of this image in my Gallery.

The tutorials can be accessed from the tutorials page of my website.