
Evening sunlight illuminating a display

The late evening sun shone on this garden display:

evening sunlight on potted displayThis evening I had been out in the garden doing a few jobs including watering pot plants, the polytunnel and cuttings when I noticed the late evening sun shining on this display in my wife’s garden. I couldn’t resist taking a couple of photos of the way the sun was shining with the long shadows. What also caught my eye was the green foliage was glowing in the sun.

So, I went and got my camera and took a couple of snaps of the arrangement. The first one was taken from the side with the sun to the left and behind. Looking at the photo now, I think it would be better if I had turned the hare around and tidied up the grass.

This second photo is taken from the other side:

evening sunlight on potted display with a carved hareThis, I find, is a more pleasing view, mostly because the hare is facing the right direction. Incidentally, the hare was made by a local ‘chain-saw sculpture artist’ – it was carved out of a solid log of wood using a chain saw.

The original version of the photo had a distinct blue cast which had to be removed. It is spoilt slightly by the 3 plant labels on the fence in the background. I shall have to try and remove them when I get the opportunity to retake the photos.

You can see these photos along with others of the garden taken this month in the Garden Gallery.