
Plant fair

Recently we attended a plant fair at East Ruston Old Vicarage. Needless to say my wife bought loads of plants and I took loads of photos:

A nice display at the plant fairMost of my photography was to take photos for the owners to use for publicity purposes.  I tried to capture both general views and specific details. This first photo shows one of the better displays at one of the stalls. A problem with taking such photos is to capture the shot without people moving into the scene – I had to wait and choose my moment. Even then I couldn’t take every image I wanted.

This next photo shows the main avenue of stalls at the fair:

Plant fair main avenue of stallsAs you can see it was quite busy (hence the difficulty getting ‘people-free’ views). I did, however, take several shots for the organisers of individual stalls with customers (I am not showing these on the web) and more general views such as that below:

view at the marquee fieldThis is at the field at the end of the main avenue – here was the marquee (you can just see the corner of it on the left), a BBC Radio Norfolk van and several stalls.

The lighting conditions were surprising difficult – it was very windy which caused a lot of movement and the sky was difficult to expose without it going to white – most of these photos were derived from underexposed ‘Raw’ files – I tend to take 3 bracketed photos in both JPG and Raw formats to give me room for manoeuvre.

At the fair was a local basket maker showing his craft:

Basket makerI did ask his permission to take some photos…

Finally, we couldn’t visit the fair without a look around the gardens:

a display by the conservatoryThis shows a display by the conservatory – I am both pleased and surprised at how it turned out. Those pots were amazing

More photos can be seen in the gallery.