Or Then and Now…
One aspect of my photography that I am developing is ‘Before-After’ or ‘Then-and-Now’ comparisons. This is often done by using a slider that moves across the image revealing and hiding one or the other of the two images. Below are a few examples:
This example shows a Before & After of the cooling towers at Rugeley Power Station that were demolished in the spring of 2021.

This next example uses 2 images taken from a sequence photographed over a period of nearly a year. It shows a tree at the height of summer in full leaf, comparing it to its winter state after a few inches of snow:

I have to admit that this needed care throughout the year in taking the photos and a bit of Photoshop skill in aligning the two images. Bear in mind that this is a living organism that changes with the weather and the seasons so there isn’t perfect registration across the images.
I also have processed the whole set of images for the year which can be seen on the ‘Transitions‘ page both as a video ‘Transistion-Time Lapse’ or as a ‘Virtual Tour’.
Another use is to compare the results of different toning made to an image:

But the real value is for ‘Then and Now’ type of comparisons:

If you are interested in this aspect of my work feel free to contact me.